Assorted Page One

I've made a lot of boxes from tusk sections, which are hollow in the center.

beat1  beat2  beat3

The following features the beautiful Boa and Zhang Ziyi

b1  b2

b3  be

  b6  b6


Here's another link to a short video of the transformation of Zhang Ziyi from paper to ivory:

Zhang Ziyi



Next is an antique darning egg with the four seasons (after Alphonse Mucha)

m1  m2  m3  m4


I love doing cars and trucks. The first, an old Mack truck. This piece measures about 3 inches wide. Even the chain drive has individual links!


This scene was one I used to pass by on the Oregon coast. I call it "Old Ghost Highway"


And yet another link to a morph video. I love these things:

Ghost Highway


Below is a tusk done for Don Goossens, whose father is the man seated with the rifle. The family grew up in the Dutch East Indies.

t1  t2  t3



Here's a peek through my microscope. The extreme magnification shows the tool drawing the eye. I like to point out that the smallest dots are as small as dust particles:

m1  m2


m3  m4

Hey, it's just a knife handle

Next is a cueball I did with the creation scene. Really tricky to fit a flat scene to a sphere.

c1      b2

c3      c4

Here are a couple more cueballs. Several pictures show the dragon-skull ball from different angles. The other was logistical nightmare, but still fun to do.


One of four lizards I did with some enlargements.


l2  l3

The Aztec calendar below has a diameter of 1 1/2 inches.

az                       ost

A couple displays based on paintings by Herbert Draper and Edward Poynter.

sirens    storm

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